Accredication and notification at the FIW München
The trust in certifications, inspectations, examinations and calibrations stands and falls with the competence of those who render the performance. The FIW München as a conformity assessment body has not only capable employees and excellent testing devices but the FIW is able to prove the quality of its own work by an extern third digit, the accredication body. Accredications contribute significantly to guarantee the comparability of results from comformity assessments and to create trust in the quality and safety of the products and services.
Since the first of January 2010 the Deutsche Akkreditierungsstelle GmbH (DAkks) is responsible for granting and maintaining the accreditation. The creation of a national accreditation body takes place according to the demand of the regulation (EG) Nr. 765/2008 and to the specification of the german law for accreditation centers. Shareholders of the DAkkS are in equal shares the federal republic of germany, the federal states and the economy which is represented by the federal assossiation of the german industry (BDI).
In a procedure of accreditation the FIW proofs, that under consideration of legal and normative requirements it performs professionally competent and on a international comparable level. Thereby the body of accreditation examines and monitors the mangagement system and the competence of the used personal.
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Measurement uncertainties and decision rules for conformity statements in test reports
Conformity statements are documented according to DIN EN ISO/IEC 17025:2018. The measurement uncertainty is included in test reports of FIW München for the interpretation of the measured values. The following document describes the procedure at FIW München with regard to the decision rule(s) to be selected for the statement on conformity with regard to a specification or standard.