The certification body of FIW München is notified according to the European Construction Products Regulation (CPR) by the "Deutsches Institut für Bautechnik DIBt (German Institute for Construction Technology). One of the prerequisites for this is accreditation by the Deutsche Akkreditierungsstelle GmbH (DAkkS).
For European standardised construction products, the "systems for assessment and verification of reliability of constance" are regulated in Annex V of the CPR. Thermal insulation materials are initially always assigned to System 3, in which certification is not stipulated. Some of the properties of thermal insulation materials fall into System 1 for the assessment and verification of constancy of performance due to their classification under Basic Work Requirements (BWR) 1 or 2 pursuant to Annex I of the Construction Products Regulation. In System 1, the notified certification body carries out product sampling for initial testing, an initial inspection and periodic auditing of factory production control (FPC). Regular sampling and testing of their properties is also not stipulated in System 1. Certification pursuant to the CPR is limited to the properties that are governed by System 1. For thermal insulation materials, this is often the case concerning Reaction to fire behaviour in classes C, B and A, if the production process influences the Reaction to fire behaviour. In such cases, the "Certificate of Constance of Performance" only indicates the Reaction to fire behaviour. This means that the thermal conductivity of an insulation material is generally not certified pursuant to the CPR and is declared solely by the manufacturer. In the declaration of performance (DoP), the manufacturer declares the properties of their construction product independently and in a legally binding manner and names any certification body that may have been involved as well as the notified testing body that carried out the required initial test. By using the CE mark, the manufacturer establishes the conformity of the construction product with a European Product Standard or European Technical Assessment (ETA) and refers to its Declaration of Performance.